How to Know How Much to Feed Baby

​​​Past: Sanjeev Jain, Medico, FAAP

One of the well-nigh common questions new parents have is how often their baby should swallow. The best answer is surprisingly simple: in general, babies should be fed whenever they seem hungry.

How do I know when my babe is hungry?

For babies born prematurely​ or with certain medical conditions, scheduled feedings brash by your pediatrician are all-time. But for most healthy, full-term infants, parents tin can look to their baby rather than the clock for hunger cues. This is chosen feeding on demand, or responsive feeding.

Hunger cues

A hungry baby oft will weep. But information technology's best to watch for hunger cues before the babe starts crying, which is a late sign of hunger and can make it hard for them to settle down and eat.

Other typical hunger cues include:

  • Licking lips

  • Sticking tongue out

  • Rooting (moving jaw and rima oris or caput in search of chest)

  • Putting his/her hand to mouth repeatedly

  • Opening her oral cavity

  • Fussiness

  • Sucking on everything around

It is important to realize, even so, that every fourth dimension your baby cries or sucks it is not necessarily because he or she is hungry. Babies suck not only for hunger, but besides for comfort; it tin be difficult at first for parents to tell the deviation. Sometimes, your baby only needs to be cuddled or changed.

General Guidelines for Baby Feeding:

It is important to call back all babies are dissimilar―some similar to snack more frequently, and others potable more at one time and go longer between feedings. However, most babies will drinkable more and go longer between feedings as they get bigger and their tummies can concord more milk:

  • Most newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times every 24 hours. Babies might simply accept in half ounce per feeding for the start solar day or two of life, only after that volition usually potable 1 to two ounces at each feeding. This amount increases to two to three ounces by 2 weeks of age.

  • At about 2 months of age, babies usually take four to 5 ounces per feeding every 3 to 4 hours.

  • At iv months, babies usually accept 4 to 6 ounces per feeding.

  • At 6 months, babies may be taking up to 8 ounces every 4 to five hours.

Nearly babies will increase the amount of formula they drink by an average of 1 ounce each month before leveling off at about vii to 8 ounces per feeding. Solid foods should be started at nigh half-dozen months quondam.

Concerns About Overfeeding or Underfeeding:

Too full?

Babies are commonly pretty good at eating the right amount, only they can sometimes take in more they demand. Infants who are canteen feeding may be more likely to overfeed, because drinking from a bottle may take less effort than breastfeeding.

Overfed babies tin can have stomach pains, gas, spit up or vomit and be at higher risk for obesity later in life. Information technology'south better to offer less, since y'all can always give more than if your baby wants information technology. This likewise gives babies time to realize when they're full.

If yous are concerned your baby wants to eat all the fourth dimension―fifty-fifty when he or she is total―talk with your pediatrician. Pacifiers may be used after feeding to assistance sooth good for you-weight babies who like to suck for comfort, rather than nutrition. For babies who are breastfed, it's best to look to offer pacifiers until effectually 3 to 4 weeks of age, when breastfeeding is well-established.

Trouble gaining weight?

Most babies will double their birth weight by v months of age and triple their birth weight by their first birthday. If your baby is having problem gaining weight, don't wait likewise long betwixt feeding―even if information technology ways waking your baby. Be sure to talk with your pediatrician about how often and how much to feed your baby.

How do I know if my baby is getting enough to swallow?

Daily diapers

A newborn'southward diaper is a good indicator of whether he or she is getting enough to consume. In the commencement few days afterward birth, a infant should have 2 to 3 moisture diapers each day. Afterward the first 4 to five days, a baby should take at to the lowest degree 5 to half-dozen wet diapers a solar day. Stool frequency is more variable and depends whether your baby is breast or formula fed.

Growth charts

During regular health check-ups, your pediatrician will check your baby's weight and plot it on a growth chart. Your baby's progress on the growth chart is i way to tell whether or not he or she is getting enough food. Babies who stay in healthy growth percentile ranges are probably getting a healthy corporeality of food during feedings.


Talk with your pediatrician if you lot have any questions or concerns about your baby getting the right corporeality to eat.

Additional Information from

  • Making Sure Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk
  • Amount and Schedule of Formula Feedings
  • Is Your Baby Hungry or Full? Responsive Feeding Explained (Video)
  • Remedies for Spitty Babies​
  • Breastfeeding On Demand
  • Ask the Pediatrician: How should we feed our baby if nosotros're running depression on money?​
  • Aeroplane Choo Choo: A Feeding Guide for Children​ (National Dairy Council)

​Well-nigh Dr. Jain:

Sa​njeev Jain, Physician, FAAP, is a Clinical Associate Professor of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Inside the American Academy of Pediatrics, he is a member of the Section on International Child Health and the Wisconsin Land Affiliate.

The data contained on this Web site should not be used every bit a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. In that location may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.


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